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In conversation with Adura Onashile, playwright and performer of ‘HeLa’

HeLa runs at Jagriti from February 26 to March 2. Adura Onashile (pictured above ) talks to Gautam Raja about the development of the play.

Best Place To Order Tramadol Online On finding the story The piece is inspired by a book called The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks which is written by an American writer Rebecca Skloot. I read the book and I was amazed by the story and was amazed that I’d never heard about Henrietta Lacks or the HeLa [hee-la] cell line. And I really wanted to explore this in a performance

Order Tramadol Online Uk On developing the script Because this is the first piece I’d written for theatre, and because I’m primarily a performer from a tradition of devised work, it made sense to me that the script would develop through being devised, rewritten, then a work in progress, before eventually going into rehearsals for performance. I’m not a playwright, I haven’t studied playwrighting, so the first thing I did, very simply, is focus on what got to me the most: what hurt me the most and what fascinated me the most. I used those two contrasts as my starting point and in that I found the drama of the piece.

What fascinated me the most? That the HeLa cell line is an amazing thing in science. What hurt me the most is how the woman was treated, that she was never asked, and that posterity hasn’t given her the respect and fame she deserves. So once we have that central drama, it was looking at the performative medium we needed to tell the story. I knew visuals were really important, I knew phsyciality was really important because I’m physical performer, and obviously text. So I knew I had those three layers to be working with.

Cheapest Tramadol Online Uk That’s how the script slowly developed. I knew I wanted to tell the story of HeLa cell line, and I knew I wanted to attempt to tell the story of Henrietta, but I wasn’t interested in presenting Henrietta as a character. I was more interested in her as an absence. Everybody talks about her, but she never speaks herself.

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We’re opening tomorrow night and we’re excited about presenting it to a new audience. It’s always a little bit nerve-wracking when you’re opening in a new place, but the good thing about this show is that it’s bigger than me. The story is bigger than I will ever be. So when I get on stage it’s always about communicating that story to the audience. It means that I don’t take myself too seriously!
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