

Stage Managers Wanted

WANTED: Stage Managers for three up coming Jagriti productions. Please email to: with Stage Manager in the subject line and attach a resume of previous experience in this field or as backstage crew in theatre productions.

Assignment requirement
1. Jagriti Kids & Youth production: 01 November to 22 December 
2. Deccan Herald Theatre production: Jan to 8th March
These two could preferably be an assignment for one person from 01 Nov 2015 to 8th March 2016 The director for both these is Arundhati Raja, Jagriti
3. Wellcome Trust UK new play: Jan to March 2016
Director: Jeff Teare Theatrescience UK

If you're interested but have never actually been one before, go to the link below, which is one of many available, to see what it's all about. If it scares you, which it should, but you're still interested - then apply!